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Property Transition Services

Your Choice for all your Property Transition Services!

Iceberg Property Management Consulting can help with all your property transition services. Sometimes you need help determining the most efficient and effective way of transferring relevant information when you’ve taken on new clients. Other times you may benefit from useful and relevant feedback into the process that you already have, or perhaps you simply require help doing the work that needs to be done. Whether it needs to be handled now, or in the future, Iceberg Property Management Consulting can help with whatever needs arise in the process of a property transition and taking on new business.

Iceberg Process Management Consulting can help with:
  • Short or medium-term contract work if you simply do not have the staff to do what is necessary.
  • Ensuring a building is up and running smoothly and quickly, in a short time if necessary.
  • Coordinating the details of the new (or old) ownership with the tenant(s).
  • Getting vendor names set up in the right billing system with the correct contacts.
  • Changing the software from one company to another.

The above list is not exhaustive. Iceberg Property Management Consulting is pleased to offer assistance with any other requirements you may have.
Call us today at (403) 860-4625 to discuss your project and company needs!

Whatever your needs, Iceberg Property Management Consulting is here for you!

Property Transition | Iceberg PMC | Workflow Process Improvement and Business Analysts | North America

Tenant and Vendor Coordination

Property Transition | Iceberg PMC | Workflow Process Improvement and Business Analysts | North America

Iceberg Property Management Consulting  is pleased to offer assistance coordinating your tenant and vendor relations. We appreciate the large amount of work involved in making sure tenants and vendors have all the new information they need in a timely manner after a transition or if a building is purchased. Iceberg Property Management Consulting can help increase the probability that your tenants pay rent on time, that vendors can be paid on time, and eliminate chasing paperwork after the fact. Too often we are busy handling so many moving parts that things fall between the cracks. Let Iceberg Property Management Consulting take care of all the specifics that you simply have no time for, so you can avoid the hassle!

Software Conversion

Property Transition | Iceberg PMC | Workflow Process Improvement and Business Analysts | North America

Iceberg Property Management Consulting is here to help with all your software conversion needs. We can help you determine what software systems are available, and what will work best for you and your company’s needs. We can analyze your current system for efficiency and effectiveness and suggest converting to another if another might be better. If you have just recently transferred to a new system, and are not quite used to it yet, Iceberg Property Management Consulting is here to help guide and advise for a more seamless transition and conversion.

If your company has recently decided to upgrade to a new software we can help with data migration. You might not have the time or resources to make what needs to happen, happen. Let Iceberg Property Management Consulting help with that.

Property Transition | Iceberg PMC | Workflow Process Improvement and Business Analysts | North America

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Call Iceberg Process Management Consulting at (403) 860-4625 to set up a consultation today with Dayna Baerg to discuss your project and company needs!